The Coronavirus, or COVID-19 as it’s otherwise known has taken over our newsfeeds and our environment. With governing bodies and political leaders now advising at-home working where possible, it’s time to focus on business management during Coronavirus and how you can continue to run and manage your company during these uncertain times.
Remote working is about to become the new normal with UK Chief Medical Officers telling us UK schools and offices could close for up to 12 weeks. With warnings like this, It’s undoubtedly time to prepare for the worst.
To help you create a fail safe strategy that won’t just see your company get by, but excel during what could be at least a two month lockdown, we’ve listed a few resources you may find invaluable during such times.

Get The Hardware
If you don’t have the luxury of a desktop at home, then the laptop is indeed the device of choice. It can be taken straight from the office to your home office without effort. It’s best to begin listing those within your company who are going to need the necessary hardware most.
Be warned, it would be a big mistake to create a list of senior personnel only. Consider those in customer facing roles, HR, IT and even payroll who may need the hardware more.
If you’re starting to feel the strain already, it may be worth finding out who has access to their own devices. This may be a great short term solution to allow things to get rolling while you begin settling into a new remote working way of life.
Ensure You’re Connected
Connectivity is another all too-easy assumption to make. Do not assume all workers have a decent internet connection. For those without internet connections, it can often take months to install one and it’s safe to say that could be fairly quick compared to what it could be like during this period of infection risk here in the UK.
Fear not however, there are very quick alternatives. Dongles for example are a cost-effective solution, which can be plugged into laptops and tablets giving instant access; there are always solutions that will ensure your workers remain connected when you need them most.
Gain Access Through Cloud Based Business Central
The only real way to make remote working a success is to have remote access to all company information, and with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central that’s exactly what you get. With core systems based in the cloud as opposed to on premise, every member of the team can gain access to the necessary data and information in order to carry out their respective roles.
Regardless of where team members are based, the beauty of cloud based Microsoft Business Central is that you still benefit from a full, uninhibited view of your entire company from wherever you are. Whatever department you wish you view, you can enjoy a 360 degree view of every single transaction, every action taken without ever having to leave your remote working position.
It’s crucial that in order to make remote working successful, you need to have access to your business critical systems from wherever you choose to work. With a quality internet connection, you can manage your entire company from your Business Central dashboard from anywhere in the world, safe in the knowledge that you have a secure connection and a fully integrated system with your current Microsoft Office applications.
Contact D365 experts Today
If you need help and advice when it comes to remote working using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, contact D365 experts today. Here at D365 experts, we consider ourselves the go-to team for all things Business Central.
From PowerApps to suit your needs, quick and efficient implementation of the cloud-based options and even integration with your current Office tools such as Outlook and Excel; we have you covered with our business management solution to ensure your remote working strategy during the Coronavirus outbreak works for you, every step of the way.